2022 Scholarship Winners

Horizon recently awarded our 2022 John Sharp Scholarship. Two local high school seniors each received $1,000 to help offset the cost of their college expenses. Congratulations Kara and Avery, and good luck in college.
Avery Campbell
Avery Campbell from Williamsport HS has a cumulative GPA of 95.14 and is ranked 23 out of his class of 385. Avery was the team captain of the football team, and member of both the basketball and track team. He participated in his high school’s symphony orchestra, choir, and theater program. Avery will be attending Carnegie Mellon in the fall where he will play football while majoring in economics and mathematical science.
Kara Stover
Kara Stover from Central Mountain HS has a cumulative GPA of 102.53 and is ranked 10 out of her class of 265. Kara is a junior fire fighter, member of the National Honor Society, Clinton County Arts Council, school bowling team, and more. She plans on attending Penn State University majoring in Criminology, with plans to become an attorney.