Credit Card Balance Transfer
Don't Let Your Credit Card Debt Turn You Upside Down
Transfer your high-interest credit card debt to a Horizon Credit Card and work towards paying it down.
Credit Card Balance Transfer Special Offer:
1.99% APR*
Balance Transfer Rate
- No Transfer Fees
- No Minimum Transfer Amount
- Balance Transfer Rate Applied for the First 12 Months
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to credit approval. Terms, conditions and qualifications apply. APR may vary. Not all applicants will qualify. 1.99% APR is applied for the first twelve (12) billing cycles of the balance transfer, and after 12 billing cycle, the card balance will revert to current standard card rate. No Annual or Balance Transfer Fees. Foreign Transaction Fee of 1%. Minimum payment of 2% of the balance or $25, whichever is greater. Offer subject to change at any time. Membership eligibility required. Federally Insured by NCUA.